
Featuring Paul Leinwand, global managing director for capabilities-driven strategy and growth at Strategy&, PwC’s strategy consulting business and Jenny Koehler, partner at PwC U.S. and leader of the U.S. cloud and digital business.

Complimentary HBR Webinar

Tuesday, January 24, 12:00pm ET

Too many executives today feel they are behind on digital investments, including cloud computing, AI, and other technologies that competitors and tech vendors flaunt, all while using a significant portion of their discretionary investment to keep existing technology up to date. Despite large investments, relatively few of these technologies are driving companies toward a differentiating outcome that truly matters.

So how do you shape your technology agenda so that it enables you to build the right capabilities and deliver outcomes that fuel your competitive advantage?

On Tuesday, January 24, Paul Leinwand and Jenny Koehler of PwC lead a live, interactive HBR webinar on factors that leaders should consider when spending on tech. They discussed:

  • How to connect technology spending to clear, value-based outcomes
  • Balancing your investments across big tech, small tech, and no tech
  • Why you should change the relationship between your tech and your people
  • How to rethink the business case behind tech investments

Tech transformations should be undergone strategically, with clear goals in mind and systems in place. By considering certain imperatives to focus on when undergoing a tech investment, business leaders can make smarter, more goal-oriented decisions.