Idea in Brief

The Challenge

Leaders of established companies frequently find themselves facing opportunities they cannot seize on their own.

The Answer

Organizations are starting to work together to develop novel solutions to shared problems. This approach—which the authors dub ecosystem innovation—focuses on the speedy development and commercialization of new concepts.

An Example

Cisco Hyperinnovation Living Labs (CHILL) has developed a unique four-phase process—described here—for taking advantage of such opportunities without complicated intellectual property agreements.

On an October morning in 2015, inside an aging beer factory in the Tempelhof neighborhood of Berlin, a group of people assembled amid idle machinery in the hope of transforming their respective industries with a novel approach to innovation. Standing shoulder to shoulder around oil barrels converted into temporary tables were innovation mavericks and senior executives at large established companies—Airbus, DHL, Caterpillar, and Cisco.

A version of this article appeared in the November 2016 issue (pp.76–83) of Harvard Business Review.