Why Your Late Twenties Is the Worst Time of Your Life
Leadership & Managing People ResearchYounger people's brains just aren't as good at dealing with stress. -
Helping Gen Z Employees Find Their Place at Work
Age and generational issues Digital ArticleSeven strategies to engage, support, and connect. -
7 Practical Ways to Reduce Bias in Your Hiring Process
Leadership & Managing People Best PracticeStart by reworking your job descriptions. -
The Case for Hiring Older Workers
Leadership & Managing People Digital ArticleMany companies consider age a competitive disadvantage. Here's why they're wrong. -
Bridging Generational Divides in Your Workplace
Leadership & Managing People Digital ArticleIt's both a culture and policy question. -
Research: The Average Age of a Successful Startup Founder Is 45
Innovation & Leadership ResearchThe most successful entrepreneurs aren't 20-somethings. -
Harnessing the Power of Age Diversity
Age and generational issues Big IdeaGenerational identity should be a source of learning, not division. -
Does Having Grandchildren Persuade Women to Retire Early?
Leadership & Managing People Digital ArticleAn executive grandmother takes a look at the evidence. -
Inner Life of Executive Kids: A Conversation with Child Psychiatrist Robert Coles
Organizational Development Magazine ArticleIn the last 20 years, business has become the dominant institution in American society, in many respects usurping the role once played by religion. As... -
Gen Y in the Workforce (HBR Case Study)
Organizational Development Magazine ArticleJosh Lewis, a young staffer at Rising Entertainment, is frustrated because his boss, marketing chief Sarah Bennett, won't listen to his ideas about using... -
Email Is the Best Way to Reach Millennials
Marketing Digital ArticleIt’s still the channel with the highest ROI. -
When Your Boss Is Younger than You
Age and generational issues Digital ArticleDon’t dwell on your differences. -
Managing the Office Coffeemaker
Leadership & Managing People Digital ArticleThe honeymoon period at my first "real" job lasted about a month. In those early weeks, I basked in the unknown, soaking up what it meant to dress business... -
Hitting The Intergenerational Sweet Spot
Age and generational issues Digital ArticleIf you’re a Millennial, or manage one, here’s the reality of what this generation wants. -
Trust Is Dead. Long Live Trust!
Talent management Digital ArticleAs business leaders pick up the post-recession pieces, I’m increasingly asked how companies can restore trust with employees. My answer: only by instituting new talent management approaches that reflect the reality of today’s relationship between employees and the corporation. Until roughly fifty years ago, there was a tacit understanding between employees and corporations: If employees […] -
Gen Y in the Workforce (Commentary for HBR Case Study)
Organizational Development Magazine ArticleJosh Lewis, a young staffer at Rising Entertainment, is frustrated because his boss, marketing chief Sarah Bennett, won't listen to his ideas about using... -
Research: Millennials Can’t Afford to Job Hop
Talent management Digital ArticleThey’re ready to commit to their employers — and want the same in return. -
Gen X Hits Another Bump in the Road
Age and generational issues Digital ArticleHere’s the bad news for Gen X: at each point thus far, you’ve drawn a pretty short straw. Your timing — at least in the context of contemporary generations, and through no fault of your own — could hardly have been worse. Not only did your childhood years coincide with social changes that significantly eroded […] -
Research: How Americans’ Biases Are Changing (or Not) Over Time
Age and generational issues Digital ArticleOn race, gender, age, and other issues. -
Why Today's Teens Are More Entrepreneurial than Their Parents
Leadership & Managing People Digital ArticleThey have to be.
Mariwala's Family Entrepreneurship Challenges (B)
Management Case Study5.00View Details This case discusses the dilemma faced by Harsh Mariwala, the business leader who relinquished the CEO position of Marico Limited, his family-owned fast-moving... -
The Unfinished Agenda: Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Case Study8.95View Details Dr. K. Anji Reddy founded Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd (DRL) in 1984. Since then, the company had grown to become one of the largest pharmaceutical companies... -
Digital for Good: Raising Kids to Thrive in an Online World
28.00View Details Kids deserve a better digital future. Help them create it. When it comes to raising children in a digital world, every parent feels underprepared and... -
Design Thinking at Trenton State College: Designing a Faculty Retirement Experience
Strategy & Execution Case Study8.95View Details This document is one of three available case-based simulations used as the basis for a multisession course on design thinking. The course emphasizes deep... -
Overcoming Ageism (HBR Women at Work Series)
The one "ism" that affects us all. Everyone experiences age-related bias at some point in their careers, but for women the costs are greater, since gender... -
Japan: Deficits, Demography, and Deflation
Global Business Case Study8.95View Details By 2005, Japan's debt had risen to 163% of GDP. For more than a decade, the government had run huge deficits, trying unsuccessfully to stimulate economic... -
Is This for Me? Career Decision Making in a Family Business
Communication Case Study8.95View Details The members of the second generation of the Nguyen family have begun to enter the business. Each has entered at different times and for diverse reasons.... -
Glass-Shattering Leaders: Ros Atkins
Organizational Development Case Study8.95View Details Ros Atkins launched the 50:50 Project on a BBC news program he anchored, deciding with his team to start tracking the gender of the contributors and experts... -
Shifting the Diversity Climate: The Sodexo Solution
Organizational Development Case Study8.95View Details This case profiles the evolution of Sodexo's diversity initiative. Diversity became a key priority for Sodexo, North America in 2001 after a class-action... -
Congratulations Melissa, the Job Is Yours. But ... (A)
Organizational Development Case Study8.95View Details In part A of the case, Melissa Law was offered a position as a human resources operations manager only a few weeks after completing her final course in... -
Lee Kum Kee: Female Succession in Family Business, Chinese Version
Leadership & Managing People Case Study8.95View Details Elizabeth Mok was the second born and the only daughter in the fourth generation of the Lee family. She was also the only one of five siblings who did... -
Multigenerational Workplace: Tools for Preparing Your Team for the Future
Management BookThe workforce is changing. Will you adapt or be left behind? Generational distrust and ageism are seeping into organizations worldwide. Differences over... -
Care Economy in the U.S. (Primer)
Organizational Development Case Study8.95View Details This case describes how caregiving responsibilities influence American employees, firms, and the broader economy. It details how sociodemographic trends... -
The Wealthfront Generation, Chinese Version
Finance & Accounting Case Study8.95View Details This case features Wealthfront, a Palo Alto California-based financial technology startup. Wealthfront created a fully-automated, low-cost online investment... -
Kathryne Cooper and CTIP: Accelerating Diversity in Medtech
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Case Study8.95View Details In an industry that is struggling to diversify, Kathryne Cooper and her co-directors at CTIP have created a highly successful model for supporting non-traditional... -
Finding Work That's Right for You: Tools from "Plugged In: The Generation Y Guide to Thriving At Work"
As Gen Y's enter the work world, they face a series of deeply personal choices-about their preferred lifestyle and location, about money and contribution,... -
When Trust Fails and Family Civil War Breaks Out: Great Eagle Holdings Case Study
Finance & Accounting Case Study8.95View Details In 2018, the Lo family of Hong Kong held a combined 68% of Great Eagle Holdings (GEH), a publicly listed and one of the largest real estate conglomerates... -
Plugged In: The Generation Y Guide to Thriving at Work
19.00View Details They make up nearly one-third of all Americans living today. Born after 1980, they're now pouring into the work world with values, aspirations, and approaches... -
From Beirut With Love (B): The Last Judgment
Leadership & Managing People Case Study5.00View Details This case describes how Robert Fadel, as CEO and chairman of ABC, one of Lebanon's leading retail and real estate groups, professionalized the family... -
Assessing Hong Kong's Human Resources in Its Transition to a Knowledge-Based Economy: Can Gen Ys Fill the Gap?
Organizational Development Case Study8.95View Details The case examines two major transitions currently taking place in Hong Kong-the transformation into a knowledge-based economy (KBE) and the replacement...
Why Your Late Twenties Is the Worst Time of Your Life
Leadership & Managing People ResearchYounger people's brains just aren't as good at dealing with stress. -
How to Manage a Multi-Generational Team
Leadership & Managing People AdviceTo realize the benefits of a generationally diverse workforce, we need to learn how to appreciate our unique preferences, habits, and behaviors. -
Helping Gen Z Employees Find Their Place at Work
Age and generational issues Digital ArticleSeven strategies to engage, support, and connect. -
7 Practical Ways to Reduce Bias in Your Hiring Process
Leadership & Managing People Best PracticeStart by reworking your job descriptions. -
The Case for Hiring Older Workers
Leadership & Managing People Digital ArticleMany companies consider age a competitive disadvantage. Here's why they're wrong. -
Bridging Generational Divides in Your Workplace
Leadership & Managing People Digital ArticleIt's both a culture and policy question. -
Research: The Average Age of a Successful Startup Founder Is 45
Innovation & Leadership ResearchThe most successful entrepreneurs aren't 20-somethings. -
Harnessing the Power of Age Diversity
Age and generational issues Big IdeaGenerational identity should be a source of learning, not division. -
Does Having Grandchildren Persuade Women to Retire Early?
Leadership & Managing People Digital ArticleAn executive grandmother takes a look at the evidence. -
Chase Sapphire: Creating a Millennial Cult Brand, Teaching Note
Sales & Marketing Digital ArticleTeaching note for case 518024.